Our residencies exist to fulfill the Great Commission by training up healthy pastors who multiply healthy churches. We fulfill this mission by raising the ministry competency and leadership capacity of inexperienced men who are aspiring to ministry through theological learning, leadership coaching, and ministry experience. We offer 2 residency options:
Our 3-Year Seminary Residency allows residents to pursue an accredited Masters of Divinity degree through Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN. While the resident is pursuing their MDiv, they will serve full-time on our staff being developed as a leader and serving in various ministries.
Our 18-month Leadership Residency provides leadership and preaching/teaching experience for inexperienced men who are pursuing pastoral ministry. This full-time position focuses on developing gifts that seminary likely did not teach them (administration, leadership, preaching, etc.) to refine their pastoral giftings and increase their readiness to serve as a pastor or missionary.