Registration opens March 1, 2024 at 12:00am.
Our Preschool and Kindergarten Prep classes are free and run from late August to mid-May. Class sizes are limited. RPS Plus, an extended afternoon session, is an option for registered students (in the 4s class only) for a nominal fee.
The following classes will be offered for 2024/2025:
Pre-K (4 years by Aug. 1) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 8:55-11:30am
Preschool (3 years by Aug 1) on Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:55-11:15am
A $35 registration fee is due when the completed application is submitted. Applications are online. Once your child's place is confirmed, the registration fee becomes non-refundable. There is no tuition fee for the morning sessions of RPS. Mother’s attendance at the twice monthly Mom2Mom class is required as in the past. A Monday evening class will be available for working moms.
Additional Info:
RPS Plus is an afternoon extension session of RPS for the 4 year old class. Students (4 by Aug 1) opting to enroll in RPS Plus will stay following the morning class for a fee of $36 a week. RPS Plus students will participate in the following activities -
Nut-free Lunch (brought from home), rest time after lunch - rest towel provided (no toys or pillows from home), gross motor time either on playground or in large classroom, story/circle time with songs, action rhyme, etc., craft time, snack, creation station - paint, play-doh, blocks, puzzles, sand table, art, Legos, dramatic play.
Enrolled students will be required to commit to attend for the semester. Student's from the 4's class are eligible to participate. Afternoon session enrollment is limited to 18 students.
Payment must be made in advance weekly or monthly ($36 a week). Payment is expected in the event of absences on scheduled school days (illness, family vacations, appointments, etc.)
Questions? Email Amanda Bannon