Rock Point Outreach

What we believe

  • The Church is God’s visible witness. We exist to share the good news by tangibly displaying God’s love (John 13:35). Local outreach ministries are designed to build relationships with those far from God by demonstrating God’s love in deed and word. By keeping the gospel central in our good deeds, we avoid “practicing [our] righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them” (Matthew 6:1), and we clarify that Jesus cares more about restoring people to God than raising their quality of life. By keeping the gospel central in our words, we guard against showing Christ-less compassion and affirm the reality that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17).

  • As a church, we put many of our resources towards ministry planning and processes. However, these are only valuable in so far as they are a means to sending our people into the community to share the gospel. Local outreach ministries are intended to serve as platforms that empower believers to cross paths with spiritually poor people with whom we might not otherwise meet. Every project we produce or participate in must have the evangelization of particular people in view.

  • We do not believe God positioned Rock Point Church in Montgomery County by accident. We believe God has saved people to Himself in this place so that we can reach those who are spiritually distant from God right here in our local county (Acts 13:47-49). Our obedience to the Great Commission starts locally—as we bring the gospel to people stuck in generational poverty, addictions, and broken families—and ripples out globally—as we send and support missionaries to unreached peoples around the world (Matthew 28:18-20).

  • Pastors are responsible to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12-16). This means that the responsibility to love all the “neighbors” of Montgomery County belongs not to the church’s staff, but to the church’s members. Each individual member of the “body of Christ” is responsible to bring the gospel to their neighbors (Mark 12:31). As a church, we therefore embrace our call to lovingly know our neighbors so that they might know Christ as King. We follow the example of Jesus by engaging the messy lives of sinful people, valuing the marginalized, pursuing the least of these, and loving those who offer us nothing in return (Mark 2:15-17 & Luke 6:35). As God pursued us when we were spiritually distant from him, we pursue those who are spiritually distant from us (John 20:21).


Email Pastor Jake with any questions you may have about our outreach ministries!

Outreach Ministries

Foster Care and Adoption Ministry (FAM) serves families currently engaged in the fostering or adoption of children in our community.

Our Preschool and Kindergarten Prep classes are free and run from late August to mid-May. Class sizes are limited. RPS Plus, an extended afternoon session, is an option for registered students for a nominal fee.

Mom 2 Mom exists to connect, equip, and encourage moms toward a growing relationship with Christ through applying the Word of God in their daily lives.