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Our mission is to follow Jesus, love one another, and make disciple-makers!

Rock Point Church

is committed to spreading the Good News of Jesus to all the peoples of the earth, that they might hear, believe, and find forgiveness of sins in Him. Therefore, it is our joyful privilege to partner with men and women who are actively taking the gospel message into all parts of the world. We are dedicated to spreading the gospel at all levels:

  • LOCALLY to Crawfordsville and Montgomery County

  • NATIONALLY to the United States

  • GLOBALLY to the whole world

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 Local Outreach

Rock Point Outreach is all about serving our local Crawfordsville and Montgomery County community. Here are some of the ministries we have or support in our effort to share the gospel and the love of Jesus locally! Every ministry we offer is focused on leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


Foster Care and Adoption Ministry (FAM) serves families currently engaged in the fostering or adoption of children in our community.

 National Outreach

We are committed to the multiplication of healthy churches throughout the US. It’s estimated that 1,000 local churches close their doors every year. Many of these churches are located in rural areas. In partnership with Small Church USA we are committed to encouraging and strengthening the local church by equipping pastors and churches.

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Global Missions

We are committed to spreading the good news of Jesus to all the peoples of the earth, that they might hear, believe, and find forgiveness of sins in Him. Therefore, it is our joyful privilege to partner with men and women who are actively taking the gospel message into all parts of the world.

How can I get involved in spreading the Gospel?

For any questions regarding missions trips, inquires about support raising, or how we are invested in making Christ known throughout the world, please contact our Outreach and Missions Pastor Jake Lowe! You can call into the office and schedule a meeting, catch him on Sunday mornings around the church, or email him at
