Small Groups

Growing in the gospel, together.

What is a small group?

Small groups are biblical friendship communities in the local church where Christians grow spiritually by practicing the “one  anothers” of Scripture and by pursuing unity in the gospel together.

What is a small group?

At Rock Point, we don’t think of our small groups like a program. Our groups meet year-round so we can stay focused on our mission to follow Jesus, love one another, and make disciple-makers. This mission shapes everything we do in our groups! Because we want to follow Jesus, we talk about the Bible together, go through book studies, and pray with each other. But we don’t just want to be a Bible study, we actually want to live our Bibles towards one another. That’s why we make time to hang out, eat food, laugh together, encourage each other, bear with each other’s struggles, and show Christ’s love in our community by serving our neighbors and local organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I be in a small group?

God has hard-wired all of us for relationships, and we know this because he saves us into his family (1 Peter 2:9-10). Small groups are the best way you can stay connected to the family
of God outside of Sunday mornings in an environment where you can show and receive Christ’s love.

2. How do I join a group?

People join our small groups either by receiving an invitation to visit a group by a current church member or by making a  connection with a group leader through our membership  process. If you would like our staff to help you connect with a  group, simply attend our Step 1: Explore Event followed by our Step 2: Connect Event.

3. When should I expect to be connected to a group?

Once you complete Steps 1 and 2 of our membership process, we will provide you with a link to view our existing small groups. Completion of this process typically takes 2-3 months.

As a church, our small groups are structured to serve and benefit Rock Point members. If you are a current member of our church and need help getting connected to a group, please fill out the form below and our staff team will provide you with the information you need to join a group. If you are new or regularly attend our church, but are not a member of our church family, we ask that anyone who is not a member attend our Step 1: Explore and Step 2: connect events before joining a group. After you attend these two events you can expect one of our staff members to provide you with the information you need to join a group. Please fill out the form below so we can help you take your next step!

Connect to a Group

Lead a Group

What is the process for becoming a leader?

Discern. Complete the interest form, email it to Pastor Danny, and then schedule a follow-up meeting to discern your desire to lead.

Develop. Complete personal equipping assignments alongside your current small group leader and attend our “Group Launch” training class.

Deploy. Launch your new group with confidence and joy!

Already a leader? Check out our SG Leader Resources!

No two leaders are alike, but they all have a few qualities in common. Our leaders faithfully follow Jesus personally and have a heart to help others follow Jesus, too. If you are available and teachable, we want to help you love and lead others, too! If you would just like more information about becoming a small group leader, please reach out to Zach Leitch ( If you like to apply to become a small group leader, then please complete the “Interest Form” below and Pastor Danny will reach out to you with more details about small group leader development process.

Do you still have questions? If you would like more information about our small groups, please let us know! Our Pastoral Resident, Zach Leitch, would love to help. You can call him at our church office during the week at 765-362-5494, or email him!

Ask a Question

Zach Leitch Resident, Ministry Assistant

Cindy McCandless Administrative Assistant

Danny Kolota Pastor of Discipleship and Development