New to Rock Point?

You might have some questions and we’d love to answer them! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out here.

What’s my next step?

Everyone has a next step here at Rock Point! If you are new and wanting to learn more about our church or are considering joining our church, your next step is to attend our Step 1: Explore event!

  • We gather together at 9am and 10:45am every Sunday!

  • We plan our worship services to engage your heart, mind, and soul. We use modern music, technology, and sound biblical teaching to help you connect to God in a way that we believe will encourage you in your walk with Christ.

  • You're invited to come as you are! Whether you feel most comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans or want to get dressed "to the nines" in a suit or dress, you are welcome at our church!

  • We offer dynamic children's services from newborn to 5th grade on Sunday mornings. The creative environment and experienced teachers will help your children learn about God in a relevant way, as well as offer fun experiences that will help the teaching come alive in their hearts.

  • The glassed-in area at the front entrance of the building is called “The Point.” Every Sunday, pastors and people from our church family are there, ready to connect with you, pray for you, and answer any questions you might have!
