Mom 2 Mom exists to connect, equip, and encourage moms toward a growing relationship with Christ through applying the Word of God in their daily lives.

Mom 2 Mom meets on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month (September-May) at 9:00am. During our meetings we are challenged to apply the Word of God to our daily lives, bond over the joys and challenges of motherhood, and enjoy food and fellowship with one another. Dues are $25 per semester and a limited number of childcare spots are available for the morning session. This ministry is geared toward mothers with children in "the little years" (birth-pre K). If you would still like to be involved with Mom2Mom but your children are no longer in this season of life, we'd love to help connect you with other moms as you serve together in Mom2Mom childcare during the meeting.

Check the “Next Steps” page to see if Mom2Mom sign ups for the upcoming year are currently open!